"The Roman emperors persecuted the Christians in the first three centuries, and thought it a positive duty not to let them alone. But the more they persecuted them, the more they increased. The blood of the martyrs became the seed of the Church.--The English Papists, in the days of Queen Mary, persecuted the Protestants, and thought that truth was in danger if they were let alone. But the more they burned our forefathers, the more they confirmed men's minds in steadfast attachment to the doctrines of the Reformation.--In short, the words of the second Psalm are continually verified in this world: "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord." But "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision." God can make the designs of His enemies work together for the good of His people, and cause the wrath of man to praise Him. In the days of trouble, and rebuke, and blasphemy, believers may rest patiently in the Lord. The very things that at one time seem likely to hurt them, shall prove in the end to be for their gain." -J. C. Ryle

The Lord truly does work all things out, even the horrible things, for His beloved children. His love allowed the Cross. Could there be any more evil act of mankind? And yet the glory of the Cross is beyond words really.
When we pick up our cross, which our Lord instructs to, then there will be those who will mock us; from the religious crowd, and from the non-religious people as well. And yet, there will be those whom the Father is drawing to His Son through our witness of living for Christ in word and deed. Most of all, when we do the will of our Lord Jesus, we please His heart and our Father's heart, and so no matter what the results may be, we can have exceeding joy in that Jesus' affection for us swells a bit.
It is not surprising that people "throw stones." I have to admit though, that sometimes the rocks are flung from the most unexpected hands.
Praise the Lord anyway.
Yep. And that's when it hurts the most.
I hope your healing up good Craver.
Thanks for all your insight brother. The Lord has filled you with some extra wisdom, and you are faithful to encourag and edify and exhort with your gift. Your real rewards are in heaven, and one Day I'll see you receive them, and we together will give all the glory to our great King, Jesus Christ!
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