An excerpt from "Christless Christianity", by Michael Horton (to go along with the video):
"..I am not an exemplary creature. The best examples and instructions--even the best doctrines--will not relieve me of the battle with indwelling sin until I draw my last breath. Find me on my best day--especially if you have access to my hidden motives, thoughts, and attitudes--and I will always provide fodder for the hypocrisy charge and will let down those who would become Christians because they think I and my fellow Christians are the Gospel. I am a Christian not because I think I can walk in Jesus' footsteps but because He is the only one who can carry me. I am not the Gospel; Jesus Christ alone is the Gospel. His story saves me, not only by bringing me justification but by baptizing me into His resurrection life."

Life is all about the "Good News" of Jesus' forgiveness at Calvary for my hundreds of thousands of sins, and so life is precious because "He gave Himself for me" (Gal. 2:20). And Jesus lives and is the Lord, Master, and God of my new found life. Jesus said, "If you love Me, then keep my commandments." I said to the Lord, "How can I do this?"
He says, "To do the works of God, you must trust in me, and I will be your strength, love, and self control. And you will bear fruit for the Father's glory, and pleasure."
That's a good video clip. Thanks for posting it. (My wife and I are actually rap fans...along with a lot of other music)...
It's nice to be able to read it while he's 'rapping' it.'s good.
Seems like this artist has the truth in his heart in its fullness. Great reflection from the Word I thought.
Most Rap for me is foreign to my ears however.
Have a great Lord's day Chris.
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