Monday, November 02, 2009

Paul said, " Whoever perverts the Gospel, let them be accursed,"; including himself. He also wished he could be accursed for his Jewish brothers .

[Giovanni Paolo Panini: Paul preaching]

The Gospel is the truth that Christ became a curse for us, who are cursed under God's wrath, without hope, and very deserving of judgment.
I don't believe most people know this, nor the depth of the Gospel. And true, the Gospel is the simple truth of Christ's death and resurrection, however, it also is infinitely deep, with a fullness of joy that we need to read about, study, and meditate upon. We will gain strength if we do, in order to fight the good fight of faith. For our foe in this world is strong and crafty. He comes as an angel of light, and the prince of darkness of the air. He is defeated by Christ, and yet he remains in this age to tempt us, and hinder us. And if we are not clothed in Christ, and his armour, then we will be devoured by the evil one and his hosts.

Here's a video I like a lot. James White is debating Fr. Mitchell Pacwa on the Scriptures, and this is his final statement. Father Pacwa is a Cathoilc priest, whom I have watched over the years quite a bit. His way of communicating is excellent, and he says some good things. However, he does teach a false gospel of works + grace = salvation, which is the Roman Catholic teaching. In fact, Rome condemns the Gospel of Grace alone, through faith in Christ alone, which is what I believe, and what the Reformers stood upon.


Craver Vii said...

That verse on top brings us some strong words from the Apostle Paul. In fact, they're ultimately strong words from God, aren't they? James White did a good job articulating Sola Scriptura.

donsands said...

The Lord said some seriously strong things, which should cause a sinner to fear, and hopefully repent, and ask the Lord for His mercy.

Thanks for stopping by.