Friday, February 11, 2011

"The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently.." James 5:16

"This, then, is the prayer of faith: to ask God to accomplish what He has promised in His Word. That promise is the only ground for our confidence in asking. Such confidence is not “worked up” from within our emotional life; rather, it is given and supported by what God has said in Scripture.

Truly “righteous” men and women of faith know the value of their heavenly Father’s promises. They go to Him, as children do to a loving human father. They know that if they can say to an earthly father, “But, father, you promised … ,” they can both persist in asking and be confident that he will keep his word. How much more our heavenly Father, who has given His Son for our salvation! We have no other grounds of confidence that He hears our prayers. We need none."
-Sinclair Ferguson, From Ligonier Ministries website:

I was blessed to have met Dr. Ferguson at a conference in Annapolis Maryland. He was such a fine teacher, and also a humble servant of our Lord. If you ever come upon any of Sinclair's teachings, then you will be encouraged and edified for sure. And perhaps convicted as well. He is a dependable teacher of the truth.


Craver Vii said...

That's really good. Sinclair Ferguson is not showy or polished, but if a person can be mature enough to work at listening, there is a lot of good teaching that we can come away with.

Do you have Sinclair Ferguson's book The Holy Spirit?

donsands said...

No Craver. I'll make a note to get that one if you recommend it.

Thanks for stopping by bro.

I remember talking with Sinclair and he took time to pray with me and my wife for our church. He is a fine example to the flock.