Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Christians, above all people on earth, should be supreme thinkers."-Beryl Clemens Smith

"The secret joy for believers lies in the fine art of Christian thinking. It is by this means that the Holy Spirit, over and above His special occasional visitations in moments of joy, regularly sustains in us the joy that marks us out as Christ's".-J.I. Packer

As I have listened to our local "Christian" Radio station for the past few years now, I have come to see such a non-thinking Christianity, that it makes my heart sink. Just yesterday, Traci, one of the morning announcers said, "Jesus is not like a Gennie in a Bottle. A Gennie gives you only three wishes. Jesus will continue to give to you." (Paraphrased)
If this shallow, and horrible statement doesn't show how the thinking of the Church has withered-up, then I don't what kind of statement would.

I pray the Body of Christ would really start using the "little gray cells" God has given us, and think; think deeply about our Lord's truth, which is His Word. And think deeply about God's gifts to us, His shepherds, who have thousands upon thousands of books out there to read and be encouraged by, and challenged by as well.

Lord help us to think deeply. Amen.

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