Saturday, October 03, 2015

"You have caused my beloved and my friend to shun me;
   Darkness has become my friend."-Psalm 8:18 Sons of Korah

The so-called Christian radio station here in Baltimore, has a slogan: "WE are the positive radio station."

Very sad they have gone this way, and all the pop-Christian music is likewise shallow and plastic, with positive, and self-centered focused music. Sad. And there surely is positive things in our lives as Christians, but the full truth of God, is that we will suffer and have periods of Darkness in our lives.
Some will have great darkness, so that they even despair of life, and wish they were dead.

here's a song by a secular group, The Police, that really gives us humans something to think about, and we we need to think deeply, always with God's Word of course as the final authority.

"I can dream up schemes when I'm sitting in my seat
I don't see any flaws till I get to my feet
I wish I never woke up this morning

Life was easy when it was boring "-Stewart Copeland

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