Sunday, November 18, 2007

Harold's at it again!

I listened to Family Life Radio the other day. and heard Harold Camping teaching on the return of the Lord.
Well, he said the Lord will be back in 2011. Not only that, but it will be in May. Not only that, but it will be on May 21st.
What an acorn this guy is. I can not believe any mature Christains would listen to this false prophet, especially for the fact that he already predicted the coming of Christ in 1994, and was very confident back then, and yet no second coming. And this man says that anyone who doesn't believe him, are to be considered as those who didn't believe Jeremiah. He compares himself with Jeremiah.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Some associated with conventional churches have rejected Camping's recent teachings, as he advocates that God's wrath is upon the visible church and that He has withdrawn His Spirit from operating among them. [3][4] He initially predicted the end of the world in 1994 (he published a book called 1994? in 1992) and his current prediction of the end of the world to be in 2011."

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