Sunday, December 16, 2007

"Behold, I am against you", says the LORD of hosts" Nahum3:5

The walls of Nineveh

The Lord had some serious words for Nineveh through His prophet Nahum way back between the years of 663 BC and 612 BC, which is when Nineveh was destroyed by God. The people would taste the furious wrath of a longsuffering God. And they surely deserve every ounce of God's warth and retributive judgement.

"Nineveh was a wicked, imperialistic, and deceitful matropolis with an arrogant and unscrupulous lust for power and dominion manifested in merciless warmongering. ... Nineveh was [also] condemned for its ruthless trade practices and insatiable materialism."

"Despising the riches of God's goodness and longsuffering, after the hardness of his impenitent heart, man treasures up unto himself wrath against the day of wrath" (Rom. 2:4, 5).

There are no sins, no thought, word, nor deed with evil intent that shall pass His holy throne without His holy judgement of the same.

On a personal note, I have many sins I have committed throughout my life. Many thousands in fact. Not to mention all the sins I commit daily. I am going to answer to God one day for these sins, and God hates sin. So what can I do?

I seek God's truth and find that He is more merciful and kind than I could ever have imagined! He is a forgiving God! He will forgive my sin. But how does God forgive sin?

He will still have to punish my sin, each and every sin, for He cannot simply forgive for the sake of forgiving; He must not be unjust, but just in all He does. How can He forgive justly?

By taking the penalty of my sin upon Himself, who is sinless. Jesus Christ came to earth to die for my sin, and not only mine but for the sin of the world; for all who would trust Christ and love Him. Why would God do this?
For His glory and purpose frist and foremost, and also because He loved me, and chose me to receive His forgiveness. And not only that, but to be clothed in the righteousness of His Son as well. This is the Gospel, the good news of Christ. This is what Christmas is all about.

The peace that the angels proclaimed to the shepherds on that first Christmas night is a peace WITH God through this "Babe lying in a manger", who thirty years hence, would become the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. And who three days later rose from the dead, so that there can be no doubt, (not the most minute possibilty of doubt), that Christ is the good news of God's forgiveness for a sinful world.

If you recognize that God will call you to give an account for your sin, and you fear this, then cry out to Him now. Cry out for mercy. Then trust Christ, and God will forgive your sin, and grant you repentance. Repenting is changing your mind of how you live and think. God will give you a new heart, and you will never have to face God's holy judgement! You need not undertsand all the truths of God now, for He will give you His Holy Spirit and He will guide you there. He will place you in a group of believers, and He will bring God's Word into your life and heart.
So prepare Him room, and heaven and nature will sing that another sinner has repented. Hallelujah!

"Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord
That hath made Heaven and earth of nought
And with his blood mankind has bought.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel!"


jazzycat said...

This is an excellent and thorough gospel presentation.

donsands said...

Thanks brother.

Paul G said...

Excellent, amen and amen!

donsands said...

Thanks for stopping by Paul. I visited your blog and left a comment as well.

Paul G said...

Thanks Don!