Friday, January 25, 2008

The Gospel in Nepal! God is doing great things indeed!

Kathmandu, Nepal

I wanted to share this e-mail I received from a pastor in Nepal; a true pastor of our Savior. He is Nepali, and he married the sister of the wife of a dear friend of mine, who himself has been a missionary in Nepal going on 12 years, I believe. I left his & his wife's name off, because of the trouble it may cause.

Dear Don Sands & family,

Greetings from Nepal!

We always would like to express our heartfelt gratitude toward you dear
family. The reason, through your sacrificial love and prayer supports we
could build the Church building.Now, it is completed and looking forward to
conduct the worship service here.

We believe that you all are being fine there. we could not write you intime
because of busy in construction work.Going to the site at 6.30 AM and
returning home around 8 to 9 PM. At the same time we have electrical
problem, daily 6 hours light goes off. Anita has her Saloon shop and remains
busy there apart from the house fellowship, evangelism and worship days.
Thus, we look like busy and forgetting you all. Please, forgive us in this
matter. we never forget you in our prayers.

Since the day we got started the church planting ministry in new places,
God is bringing many souls gradually, that gives more enthusiasm to be in
His ministry. It is not because of our own efforts and stregths but because
of your earnest and valuable prayers in the Lord. In Sanku, many families
have come to the Lord. Church members are increased. Now we have to hold two
services on Saturday itself. Our efforts are always to bring them into the
perfect knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ to stand them in their own faith.

Most family are from poor background, helpless and social-boycotted from
their Trust, who listened the gospel and believed to get freedom from
demons possessed.

God has been doing great things in our ministry. One of the many works of
God can be vivid from the story of Sita Malla ( Malla is one of the
subclan of Newari caste in Nepal) and her Husband Krishnabhakta.It is
amazing that how the Lord is drawing Newari people into His Kingdom! Sita
heard the gospel and came to Church first time. She used to get
unconscious at any time and fall down anywhere. Her husband used to shit in
every corner of the rooms, even in dinning room and in Kitchen of their home
and make her wife to clean and beat her to death. She came to the Church
first time. After the church service we prayed for her in the name Jesus.
She started tremoring in folded hand. we told her to take the name of Jesus,
however, she told that it is impossible. She began to weep,we asked why
she is crying? She told that she has two beautiful gods"Mahadevs" with long
hair are residing in her and didn't want to come out to go leaving her.
Then we rebuked to that spirits to leave Sita's life within 5 minute's time.
For a while she felt very difficult to breath, the spirits were lingering to
leave saying her: "These may years we suffered you, now don't leave us to
go to Jesus, we will not suffer you, even we will not trouble to your
husband". Then we commanded the demons to leave within no time in the name
of Jesus of Nazareth, bound the spirits with the blood of Christ. After some
time Sita heard they are going off, then she became strengthless, opened
her eyes. Thereafter, she is continue growing in the Lord. Now her husband
also has changed his dirty behaviour that was caused by those evil spirits.
This is the work of God through your prayers!

Pray for the sustainable security and peace of Nepal. Of course, political
parties are proclaiming to hold the Constituent Assembly Polls on Aprail,
but can't be certain at this time too,because already they have deferred
twice.So to say that everywhere anarchies are increasing.People expected
democracy to come and said that it came,but due to the lack of sole ruler
Maoist insurgency began in 1996 and halted from last year , but yet
hooliganism, murder, intimidation are multiplying in across the country.It
is said that the political parties are behind such notorious gansters and
accomplicers.The price of daily commodities are hiking to the peak
comparaing to the past years.
People are holding strikes and blokades burning tyres and trees on the roads
through out the country against all increasing prices. Poor people are
affected by these environment, for they could not get job or could not go to
their work freely for the sake of escaping their lives.

May God Bless you all for His glory! Please take care of your health! See
you again

with love yours in Christ,

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