Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"..he that seeth Me [Jesus] seeth Him [the Father] that sent Me." St. John 12:45

Christ Church Cathedral.

"Let it suffice us to know that our Savior was not like the prophets and patriarchs, a man sent by God the Father, a friend of God, and a witness for God. He was something far higher and greater than this. He was in His Divine nature essentially one with the Father: and in seeing Him, men saw the Father that sent Him. ....

Forever let us make much of Christ in all our religion. We can never trust Him too much, follow Him too closely, or commune with Him too unreservedly. He has all power in heaven and earth. He is able to save to the uttermost all who come to God by Him. None can pluck us out of the hand of Him who is one with the Father. Looking unto Him, we shall find light in our understandings, see light on the path of life we have to travel, feel light in our hearts, and find tha days of darkness, which will come sometimes, stripped of half their gloom. ... let us abide in Him, and look to Him with a single eye. There is a mine of meaning in His words, "If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." (Matt. 6:22) -John Charles Ryle

Some good expository thoughts from the Bishop.

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