" ... the Holy Ghost, says Paul, cries in our hearts: "Abba, Father." This cry pierces the clouds and the heaven, and ascends up into the ears of God. ....
You must note also that Paul says that the Spirit makes intercession for us in our temptation, not with many words or long prayer, but only with a groaning which cannot be expressed; and that He cries not aloud with tears, saying, "Have mercy on me, O God," etc., but only utters a little sound and a feeble groaning, as "Ah, Father!" This is but a little word, and yet it comprehends all things. The mouth speaks not, but the affection of the heart speaks after this manner: Although I am oppressed with anguish and terror on every side, and seem to be forsaken and utterly cast away from Your presence, yet am I Your child, and You are my Father for Christ's sake; I am beloved because of the Beloved. Wherefore, this little word "Father," conceived effectually in the heart, passes all the eloquence of Demosthenes, Cicero, and of the most eloquent rhetoricians that ever were in the world." -Martin Luther
yes, keith green is a YWAMer. i am unsure what he did for the organization but i know for sure he is a ywamer.
I thought so. Thanks for stopping by Andrew. Lord grant you His greatest blessings brother.
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