"The Gospel of saving grace in Jesus is the foundation, the formation, and the primary motivation for the Christian life. ... The Gosepl is what defines how to be a Christian man, woman, spouse, parent, and citizen. The Gospel brings the reign of Christ's kingdom to our hearts and throughout the world. The Gospel blessings give joy to the Christian life and the ability to rejoice even in suffering. The Gospel imperatives direct our new desire to lovingly obey our Lord. The Gospel provides the foundation, the formation, and the motivation as it ignites our loving obedience to Christ as we discover the transforming truth that "He first loved us" (1 John 4:19) ... NOTHING IS MORE RELEVANT THAN THE GOSPEL. To be sure, we must understand the issues of our age and connect meaningfully with people for effective evangelism and discipleship, but nothing is more relevant than the Gospel message, ....
Most religions have a commonality. They tell you what you must do to gain salvation. In contrast, the Christian Gospel declares what we do is not the answer, but the problem. ....
Live the Gospel, believe and preach the whole Gospel-- ... Preach it to yourself, to each other, and to the lost, and know the joys of the Gospel-driven life." -Dr. Harry L. Reeder III
One thought I had here was that Jesus is the good news. He is the End, and He is the good news that has come to this sin-soaked earth. What a merciful God and Lord the Church has, and the world, though rejects, needs, and needs us to be a city on a hill shining this light of grace, truth, and love, which are found in Christ alone. Good News indeed!

Feb. 9, 2008, 11:18PM
Pastor emphasizes path of good works, not divisive politics
Author says Christianity needs 2nd Reformation
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — Rick Warren, a megachurch pastor and philanthropist who is courted by political leaders worldwide, says he thinks Christianity needs a "second Reformation" that would steer the church away from divisive politics and be "about deeds, not creeds."
Speaking Tuesday to a group of Washington Post reporters and editors, the evangelical author said he had an "epiphany" in recent years because of his wife's battle with cancer and the success of his book, The Purpose Driven Life, which has sold more than 25 million copies.
Humbled and scared, he said, he decided to focus on helping the needy and the sick, particularly those with AIDS.
That meant advocating for a broader agenda for evangelicals beyond same-sex marriage and bioethical issues like abortion and stem cell research. That's a shift from the e-mail Warren sent before the 2004 election to his regular distribution list of 136,000 pastors, telling them to focus on those hot-button issues, which he called "non-negotiables."
Warren said he now regrets that e-mail — not because he's changed his views in opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but because he places them on a longer list of priorities.
Now, he says, he wants to promote personal responsibility and restore civility in American culture.
"I just think we're becoming too rude," he said. "You have no right to demonize someone just because you disagree with them."
Changing the culture, he said, is not done only through politics but also through things like art, music and sports.
"Outside the Beltway, politics is just not that important. No kid in America has a poster of a politician on their wall," he said.
Warren, whose ministry has trained a half-million pastors, said partnerships between government and industry can't succeed in solving social problems unless they include faith groups, with their large volunteer forces and their worldwide networks.
"People are so worried churches are going to be about conversion," he said, "but everyone has a motive. Everyone has a world view. Christianity is a world view. ... I don't care why you do good as long as you do good."
Warren was on Hannity's America this past Sunday night and was asked how does one get to heaven. He did not give the answer that the Bible gives for that question and never mentioned sin, grace, faith, or atonement. Instead he gave a works salvation answer.
For a preacher to not answer that question accurately is inexcuseable. He is a false prophet.
That grieves my heart Wayne.
God forbid that I glory in anything but the Cross!
I like what Jeremiah said to the Lord after he was totally discouraged after preaching God's Word: "Lord you deceived me, and I'm tired of speaking your Word. But, there's a fire that burns in my belly, and I have to speak it!"
That should be the born again Christian. Especially a shepherd of God's sheep.
Shame on Rick Warren, and may God have mercy on Him for being ashamed of His Son, and the Gospel.
Jesus said, "If you are ashamed of Me, then I will be ashamed of you."
I feared something was wrong with Rick Warren the moment his book sold so well. The Gospel offends and is foolishness to the world and does not put you on the New York times best seller list, but a false Gospel will.
My heart says Rick is a Christain man, who knew how to market people. And He has no place in the pulpit.
He'd be better off stepping down, and running for Congress, where he do all the social things he longs to do, and leave the preaching of the Gospel, and the deep truths of God to genuine pastors.
I agree with you, Don. He is a Christian, but like so many "famous" preachers today, he doesn't belong in the pulpit.
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