"Discouragement is a Satanic tool that seems to fit my disposition and the Enemy knows it. When I look at the work in the assembly, and realize that I've been there almost four years but have not seen a single soul led to Christ, my increasing tendency is to throw in the sponge and call it quits. Gospel meeting after gospel meeting, with no one strange coming out---and worse yet, none of the saints seem very deeply exercised about it. 'How long, Lord, when wilt Thou come unto me?' Why does He wait until the fourth watch to come to us instead of in the evening? Well, all of my doubts and fears (hinges on which swing the gates of Hell) can not prevail to take Him from His throne nor stop Him from the building of His Church."
"Why, oh why are the forces of God so few and feeble while the Enemy counts multitudes on his side? Lord, how long will You hide Yourself, concealing Your power and letting men think low thoughts of You? Begin to move, Lord, for the sake of the Name! Move me as well and let me know the fullness of the Spirit."
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he can never loose." -Jim Elliot
I love the heartfelt honesty in this genuine servant of the Lord's words. Reminds me of Jeremiah's writings.
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