Jesus was continually going to the Temple and teaching the people. He went up to the Temple at the feast of tabernacles (John 7:14), and He taught the people the Word of God, which lasted throughout the day. In actuality, ever Word He spoke was the Word of God. Jesus surely knew the Scriptures like no other, and He spoke Scripture truth. And I thank God for preserving these words for us. What a treasure the Word of God is. And to have direct quotes from our Lord is such a blessing, not that the rest of Scripture is any less inspired, because it's not.
After the feast, Jesus went to the Mount of Olives that evening, as all the people went to their homes. I imagine He prayed to His Father, and spent the night in commuion with Him. And so would be refreshed in His soul and mind.
The next morning Jesus came back to the Temple, and again sat with the people, and taught them.
What I wouldn't give to have been there. Not only did the Lord teach, as He most surely gave lectures to the people, but He taught as He had to confront the self-righteous religious leaders, over and over. (How difficult it is to try to communicate with nasty people who love their own religion). And perhaps these lessons were even more vivid in their instruction, especially when He had to confront them, when they came with their stones to kill and adulteress woman, and they did this to tempt the Lord Jesus.
What a lesson that was, and still is.
Jesus spoke to this woman, after all the self-righteous scribes had dropped their stones and left the scene, and said, "Neither do I condemn you: go, and sin no more." There's a lot of theology in those words. And I'll leave them with you to ponder.
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