Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the New Testament in My blood, which is shed for you." Luke 22:19-20

" ...the Lord Jesus the same night in which He was betrayed took bread:
And when He had given thanks, He broke , and said, Take and eat: this is My body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of Me.
After the same manner also He took the cup, when He had supped, saying, This cup is the New Testament in My blood: do this, as often as you drink , in remembrance of Me." 1 Corinthians 11:23-25

Jesus is the spiritual bread of life for my soul, my heart, and my mind. To eat this bread, is to trust Christ, and to bow to Him, and to pray and ask Him for His help and grace.
To eat this bread, one also needs to read, study, and meditate upon the Holy Word of the Lord. The Word, prayer, and faith are all needed in order to consume this bread that Jesus offers to us. Our hearts must be right with God, however. Only a new heart, that has been set free from its wickedness shall be able to eat the bread of life, which gives eternal life, and which life we can experience even now, though not near as abundant as life will be when we are all with Christ the Lord in the New Heavens, and New Earth!
I do need to say, our hearts shall never be perfectly free from their wicked tendencies of course, but the vise-like grip upon our heart shall be broken. It was broken by His broken body, when Jesus bore our sin, not the part, but the whole, on the Cross. I am forever and ever forgiven, and my transgressions have been removed from me as far as the East is from the West!
Thank You Lord. May I never lose my hunger for this holy and blessed bread of life. Amen.
I can't think of anything more appropriate, Sandman. Thanks for pointing us toward this heavenly vision.
We will have a special service at church on Thursday. I hope to make it in time from work.
That's wonderful to have church on Holy Thursday.
My church has a Good Friday service, and I am always somberly encouraged on this most blessed day.
Yes - no vise, no requirement to sin ever again - and yet the day when there is no sin will be even better!
He is risen!
Indeed Susan.
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