Friday, June 18, 2010

"..the Word was with God, and the Word was God. They are not of the world, as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in truth; your Word is truth."

These two verse are from the Apostle John's epistle. He speaks of the Word being God. And of course he is writing of Jesus Christ. And Jesus in His last prayer during His passion prays to His Father to set His disciples apart from the world, and to keep them, by the Word, which is truth. Truth is what sets us apart. Jesus also tells us in John's letter, that He is the Truth. These are great truths to sit and ponder, and I encourage us to do just that. May the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with wonder and joy, and our minds with understanding and peace. Amen.

Here is a great song, by one of the rare well rounded, deep thinking, and very musically talented, Christian artist in our day. I hope her lyrics, and melody, encourages you, and builds you up. The video after the song is a short word from Sara about this song.

"I've done every devotional
Been every place emotional
Trying to hear a new word from God
And I think it's very odd
That while I attmept to help myself
My Bible sits upon my shelf
With every promise I could ever need"

"I think it's time I rediscover
All the ground that I have covered,
Like seek ye first what a verse
We are pressed but not crushed
Perplexed but don't despair
We are persecuted but not abandoned
We are no longer slaves
We are daughters and sons
And when we are weak we are very strong
And neither death nor life nor present
Nor future nor depth nor height
Can keep us from the love of Christ
And the Word I need is the Word that was
Who put on flesh to dwell with us
In the beginning"

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