As I read through 1st Peter chapter 5 this morning the four words in verse 7, "he cares for you", is what the Church is all about in our day. How this shallowness is causing great harm to the Body of Christ, and hindering sinners from being saved is evident.
The Church for the most part says, "God loves you, and He cares about you. Accept Him into your heart." This is such a false Gospel.
First and foremost sinners need to hear that there is Bad News. The Bad News is why there is Good News, the Gospel.
I pray for the Church to leave the shallow truth they have been walking in, and return to the deep truths of God's Word, and then we will see true conversions, like we have always hoped for, and never knew.
Simon Peter is my favorite person of the Scriptures. He blew it and blew it. Yet, his Lord loved him very much, and Peter loved Jesus, and repented many times, 70 times 7 perhaps. But at the end of his life, as Jesus had told him, he was killed, and was to be crucified. He asked that he be crucified upside down, because he felt unworthy to be crucified as the Lord was. What a heart he had in the end for his Savior.

I pray I would be able to sacrifice for my Lord. I feel like I only care about myself. May His grace and power help me to be a better servant. Amen.
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