"When Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing before him with his drawn sword in his hand. And Joshua went to him and said to him, “Are you for us, or for our adversaries?” And he said, “No; but I am the commander of the army of the Lord. Now I have come.” And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped and said to him, “What does my lord say to his servant?” And the commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua, “Take off your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so." Joshua 5:13-15
This was my reading this morning. The comments from my Bible say that this mysterious person is Jesus, as the preincarnate Son of God. I tend to think it is an Angel, perhaps Michael the Arch-Angel.
What say ye?
That is a very dramatic picture. I wonder if it really like that.
Probably not. The artist is simply expressing his soul in his talent.
All we know is that Joshua met someone, and what they conversed about. And the fact that Joshua bowed himself.
I love art. There are many different expressions in paintings; with the light, colors, and so forth.
Michelangelo was an incredibly talented artist, and yet some of his expressions leave me quite wanting. Others are breath taking. But his talent is evident.
I like Rembrandt a lot.
Actually, I am rather new to appreciating Art. And I look forward to learning more and more, and going deeper and deeper.
Thanks for another visist Maalie my friend. I suppose I can call you my friend, even though we're quite far apart and even in the way we think.
Yet, perhaps one day we shall meet.
I fear that my knowledge of fine art is sadly lacking. My main interest in "the arts" is music, classical, also the performing arts, opera and ballet. I once flew out to Columbus Ga from England especially to see a ballet, a friend was dancing.
My wife loves Ballet. We have a friend who teaches.
If you ever come to Baltimore, be glad to treat to hear the BSO at the Meyerhoff: http://www.bsomusic.org/main.taf?p=3
If they are in town.
My wife and I attended once. Quite amazing the sound of every instrument being heard in such harmony.
Love the quote, yes thats what most feel, it is Christ. Isnt the WORD awesome.
for some reason I ma not seeing all of your pics
I think most scholars think it is Christ, the Son of God, or a Theophany.
Don't know what to say about the pics sister.
Have a blessed weekend, and Lord's day!
We talked about that exact verse this week in our small group. Joshua wants to know the only two options he could think of. The answer was "none of the above, Joshua... the question is are YOU for ME?"
A person can sometimes wonder, "Is God for me or against me?" Wrong question. It is more important to know whether I am for God.
R.C. Sproul says he thinks it was a theophany. I have not settled on any conclusion, but I can see how a person would say that this was the preincarnate Christ.
I'm not settled yet either Craver.
Some good thoughts bro. Have a great weekend, and especially, a great Lord''s Day!
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