I found this video clicking about on Youtube trying to find all the Wes King songs I could.
I think Wes is one of the all time great artists in the CCM sphere. He writes songs with depth and meaning, and he is an exceptional guitarist. I have a lot of his LP's. Lord bless Wes King, my brother, and Your servant. Amen.
AH I dint get the pic or
Que pasa mommanator? Is this code for something?
...and my son-in-law. Not the same person, but that's his name (Wes King). My s.i.l. graduated from Southern Baptist Seminary - where Al Mohler currently presides. Big Al is on the cover of the current Christianity Today magazine. I just found the article minutes ago, and haven't read it yet.
That's preety cool Craver to have a s-i-law with the same name as Wes King, or maybe Wes King has the same name as your s-i-law.
CT doesn't really give Dr. Mohler a lot of praise, as they surely should have done. Ct has slipped from the foundation of Scripture I'm afraid. They have become mamby pamby, in some ways.
maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong.
OOO I looked at what I wrote, not my shining moment in typing Teehee.
I wasn't able to view it, changed to different computer and there it was. The graphics ae so inspiring to go with the music!
It wasn't the greatest video, but the song makes it.
Thanks for coming back sister.
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