Friday, June 22, 2007

Pray for one another.

I have been in a discussion at another blog,, and it has been somewhat intense. But it's iron sharpening iron. At least for me it is. I have been challenged to love the lost more. And to exaime my motives, and my life, to see why I haven't had converts brought to Christ through my witness.

I have to accept some of his thoughts as an admonishment from a pastor's perspective, and though it caused some "knee-jerking" spiritual reaction, I must admit I do have some shortcomings here. I reject some of what he shared about me as well. But the one thing that really blessed me was a prayer this other brother prayed for me.

Here tis: thank you Don for praying for me, and I also pray for you:

"Lord, may Don's life be used as salt and light in a powerful way as he lives out the gospel in the world around him and people are drawn to the salt and light of Jesus in Don. May his and my heart break for those who do not yet know Jesus and are facing an eternity apart from Him, and may we be used by You in any way possible to be able to express the truths of who Jesus is and the gospel to them, in Your timing and by Your power. May we be faithful to take time, energy, prayer and risk in how we going about our weekly lives in being witnesses to those around us for the gospel of Jesus."


And I say Amen and amen.


Kristine said...

May God continue to soften and mold our hearts, so that our burden for the lost grows out of a greater, and clearer understanding of the utter reality of the gospel; may He enable us to be obedient towards our responsiblity as our His ambassadors, to proclaim it with unwavering conviction and passion, in love, gentleness and meekness!

Anonymous said...

... and amen. and thank you for praying for me too!

have a great and refreshing weekend.


donsands said...

'so that our burden for the lost grows out of a greater, and clearer understanding of the utter reality of the gospel"

Amen. Very good words.

donsands said...

Thank you Dan. Lord bless you and your congregation.

Anonymous said...

thanks don!