Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Recalling time gone by: 9-11-01

I suppose if I live to be in my 90's, I'll never forget where I was, and what transpired on one of the darkest of days in history.
My heart was severely heavy as I arrived home and watched the aircrafts fly into the twin towers; over, and over. The grief and pain were intense as I watched people jumping from the windows.
Then to see these buildings collapse: Was I dreaming? It was incredibly numbing for me. And I was overwhelmed with anxiety, as I'm certain all Americans were.

Although it's been 6 years, it still brings back sorrow to my heart when I remember this attack, which was done in such a fiendish manner.

As difficult as it is to think of 9-11, because it was such a horrid act, we need to remember the Lord is sovereign over all things. Jesus said, "All authority is given to Me".

The Lord allows things to happen. Horrid things at times. His purposes are always good, and for His glory.

The most horrid act the Lord ever allowed mankind to commit was the murder, by crucifixion, of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. And He determined this, because He loved us, and desired to forgive us for our sins.
God sovereignly allows evil things to take place, but it's always for His glory, and for the good of His people.

"God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him, those who were called by His name."


jazzycat said...

Six years already. I can remember thinking a lot of what you relate here. I remember thinking how it was good to be in Christ. Of course it is always good to be in that position.

donsands said...

Thanks Wayne for sharing.

I had to rethink this post a bit, and change a few words. Very hard to write on this; 9-11.
I actually watched the original coverage of 9-11 tonight on MSNBC. It was very emotional for me.