Wednesday, April 09, 2008

"The Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came from God." -Jesus Christ to His disciples, the Apostles

(Leonardo da Vinci, 1495–1498)

"How weak was the faith and love of the Apostles! How soon, in a very few hours, they were buried under a cloud of unbelief and cowardice! These very men whom Jesus commends for loving and believing, before the morning sun arose forsook Him and fled. Yet, weak as their graces were, they were real and true and genuine. They were graces which hundreds of learned priests and scribes and Pharisees never attained, and, not attaining, died miserably in their sin.

Let us take great comfort in this blessed truth. The Saviour of sinners will not cast off them that believe in Him, because they are babes in faith and knowledge. He will not break the bruised reed or quench the smoking flax. He can see reality under much infirmity, and where He sees it He is graciously pleased. The followers of such a Saviour may well be bold and confident. They have a Friend who despises not the least member of His flock, and casts out none who come to Him, however weak and feeble, if they are only true." JC Ryle, 1873


Craver Vii said...

What a great thing to know that our salvation is not dependent upon the amount of our faith, but rather the One on whom it is focused!

donsands said...

Yes and Amen to that.