Monday, April 14, 2008

"Where were you when the Twin Towers were destroyed?"

I believe it's good to be reminded of tragic times, though it may be very painful. It's good for the heart, and for the mind to ponder the evil that this world is capable of. And for the soul to ask God, 'Why do these things happen'? And to go to the Scriptures and see what our Lord has said in His Word about wickedness like this despicable act from such evil people.
There may not be a complete and all comprehensible answer this side of the New Heavens and New Earth, but it's good to exercise our minds and hearts nonetheless. Could I ponder, "But for the grace of God, there go I"?
Can I pray that God will judge these murders?
Can I pray that God would have mercy on Osama Bin Laden?
Is it alright to hate this man, who killed innocent people?
Is God judging America?
Is this not the work of God, though of course He is sovereign over all things that happen?

These are the kind of heart-felt questions I have had to deal with, and still do. It's because it was such an unbelievable act of violence and pure hatred, and it was right before my eyes.
I remember arriving home after work, and watching as people were jumping from the Towers. I thought to myself they were jumping into nets at the time. I had no idea they were jumping to a certain death of hitting the asphalt or concrete road 80 stories below, rather then being burned alive.
It truly devastated me, and literally knocked me off my feet. And it still is heavy upon my heart.

I remember in detail where I was, and what I was doing. I shall never forget it as long as I live.

May the Lord help me see His heart in a better way, as I thnk back upon one of the most tragic of all days. Amen.

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