Sunday, April 27, 2008

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears reliev’d;'- John Newton

As we sang this most magnificent hymn today in our church gathering I thought of Matthew 10:27-31 where the Lord tells us not to fear those who can hurt us, or even kill our bodies.
For they cannot touch or kill our souls.
Only God can kill both physical body and immortal soul of man. So we need to fear Him, don't you agree.
And yet do we need to go on fearing Him in this manner once we are born again, and have become His beloved child, whom He loves with the same love He loves Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son?

Well, Jesus then say this in verse 31: "Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." Jesus said the Father cares about the smallest sparrow, which is but a small creature sold for a penny, and this bird cannot die unless it is the Father's will. How much more does He care for men and women, whom He made in His image, and whom His grace is upon?

So, fear brought me to saving grace, and this same grace tells me not to fear. It's all about His grace. It's all about His mercy, which endures forever and ever. It's all about His faithfulness which is great and impossible to negate. Even when we are unfaithful, the Lord will be faithful to His promise to those whom He has predestined, called, justified, and glorified.

One last thought about fear is that we as God's children need not be afraid of His holy wrath. However, we had better be fearful of a loving Father's strong arm of discipline. He loves us so much that He will punish us, if we are rebellious, and pride begins to stir within our hearts.

Thank you Lord for the Cross, where Your grace shines as heavy truth to make our heart fear. And it also glows with loving truth so that our fears are discharged. For Jesus, You took all, every part, of my wrath upon Yourself. Thank You. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Great thoughts Don. Fear, rightly understood and directed, is a healthy thing.

I enjoy your comments at Team Pyro, thought I'd drop by your home place here. You were one of the folks I wanted to meet week before last at Band of Bloggers, but wasn't able to. So this will have to do!

God's grace on you and your house.

donsands said...

Thanks Doulos. Appreciate your visit.
Keep on.

Anonymous said...

I love John Newton's works.

donsands said...

Thanks for the visit Ryan.

Unknown said...


Nat and I just looked at this- GREAT WORDS BROTHER!!!!

donsands said...

Thanks Gregorious, and Natieth.

Even So... said...

Hey Don, check out James White's recent archives, he has a great little clip about that song and it being played on only the black keys, it is called Amazing...Just Amazing, or something like that...

donsands said...

Thanks JD. I shall definitely do that.