Monday, May 26, 2008

I am reposting this video, which I posted back in 2007. It says a lot. Be warned. It's quite terrible, but it's the truth we need to see.

I was discussing abortion with someone on another blog, and I remembered this video, and thought I'd post it, per chance he was to stop by my blog, then he could watch this, and then, if he so desires, we may continue the discussion on abortion, which I'd be more than glad to oblige him.


Ephemeral Mortal said...

Hello Donsands,

I watched the short film and absolutely agree with you that abortion is a horrific thing, and in 99% of situations should be rejected as an option. But so is war, so is capital punishment and so are many things in life. But is war always wrong...if you claim that it is, try and argue that with the families of the millions of jews that were slaughtered by Hitler and his cohorts...there were many horrific scenes I'm sure in the war to stop Hitler, but what was the alternative? Stand by and let him continue?

My argument is not that willy nilly abortions for every imaginable and trivial reason should be condoned and carried out...of course not, but in the case of, for example, ectopic pregnancy, where there is no chance of the survival of the baby, but every risk of the death of the mother if no action is taken, surely termination of the pregnancy is necessary, and I would argue on the principles of the preservation of life, Biblical.

I dont wish to be confrontational about this, but no-one has yet given me a Biblical justification of the position that abortion is always morally wrong. All I've had are various attempts to stir the emotions with either arguments or films (like this one)...all of which result in an emotional response on my part (this film horrified me), but nevertheless are not Biblical.

I cannot just rely on my emotional and feelings system to measure what is right and wrong, because i know from experience and from Scripture that these systems, like everything else are fallen and therefore unreliable. I need objective Scriptural truth to be certain.

Thanks for the opportunity of carifying this in my mind,

donsands said...


Thanks for the visit. You agree that abortion is horrific. Amen.

War is also a bad thing. However, sometimes it is necessary, amen.

The one occasion for killing a human in the womb would be when the mom is in danger. I agree.

I really do not see an option to kill a human life otherwise.

The thing is, this fetus is God's, and we are not to kill her, or him.

We need to allow this human to be born, and then to love her, or him. Even if the child is deformed, handicapped, or has any defect.
For this human is created in the image of the Creator of the universe.

I know a brother in Christ whose wife was pregnant with a child that had Spina Bifada, and the doctors told them they may want to abort the baby. They had no intension whatsoever of doing this, and so this little girl was born, and they love her dearly.
They did this for the love Christ, and the glory of God, and because they loved their daughter, even before she was born.

Many in our society would surely have aborted this little girl, and some would say for good reason.
I say, we dare not, and even more than that, this girl is part of the parents, and love is more than affection for healthy children, but should be for all God's children.

I'm not very good at explaining my heart on this subject, but there are many Christians who are blessed with incredible wisdom concerning abortion, and all the ins and outs of what this sin is all about.

I pray God would guide you to these brothers and sisters in Christ, so that you can have peace in your heart about this.
God bless.

Ephemeral Mortal said...

Hello again Donsands,

I totally agree that it should be the last resort, and only when the life of the mother is in imminent danger - for no other reason.

Thanks for your kind help and discussion in seeking God's will and clarifying my thoughts on this unpleasant subject.

Yours in Christ

mommanator said...

this is a tough subject, I am a nurse and could never assist in one! I've seen the video and can't watch again.
I do know too many children are aborted for a birth control method. I would have to really know situation by situation, and God only knows the truth!

donsands said...

This is very difficult to watch, as it should be.
Thanks for the visit.

BBHG said...

I agree with your views on abortion, though can see it might be difficult to define a law "where there is risk of harm to the mother".

However, taking your quote "The thing is, this fetus is God's, and we are not to kill her, or him."

that's suggesting that those creating the laws love the Lord, and most don't - so how do we reach out and speak to these leaders who do not have that belief in God the creator? How do we change things, on that premise ..

donsands said...

It makes no difference if the law makers are atheists, and believe we are simply evolved apes.

I would still argue we are created in the image of God, and He is the Creator of life.

However, most law makers say they believe in God. Obama says he's a Christian, and God will hold him accountable.
And God will hold those who suppress the truth, and who say there is no God.
All government leaders will answer to God one day for the laws they endorsed and enacted.

So we can stand for the truth, and for Christ, because we love Christ and His truth against those who do not love the Lord.

That's how I see it.

And in America, where we have the liberty, we surely should use our liberty. If I lived in China it would be a different story.