Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"Pilate entered into the judgement hall.., and called Jesus, and said, 'Are You the King of the Jews?" John 18:33

Jesus answered Pilate by saying His kingdom is not of this world. He also said He came to bear witness to the truth.

JC Ryle comments: "He [Jesus] did not come to win a kingdom with the sword, and to gather adherents and followers by force. He came armed with no other weapon but "truth." To testify to fallen man the truth about God, about sin, about the need of a Redeemer, about the nature of holiness,--to declare and lift up before man's eyes this long lost and buried "truth,"--was one great purpose of His ministry. He came to be God's witness to a lost and corrupt world. That the world needed such a testimony, He does not shrink from telling the proud Roman Governor. And this is what St. Paul had in view, when he tells Timothy, that "before Pontius Pilate Christ witnessed a good confession." (1 Tim. 6:13)

The servants of Christ in every age must remember that our Lord's conduct in this place is meant to be their example. Like Him we are to be witnesses to God's truth, salt in the midst of corruption, light in the midst of darkness, men and women not afraid to stand alone, and to testify for God against the ways of sin and the world. To do so may entail on us much trouble, and even persecution. But the duty is clear and plain."

Paul said in his first letter to Christians at Thessalonica that he came appoved of God to speak to them the good news of Christ, never with flattering words, and not as pleasing men, but to please God, who judges our hearts.
He says to these dear followers of Christ that he was "affectionately desirous" to impart the gospel and himself to them, with gentleness, "even as a nurse cherishes her children". Paul is a fine example for us all.

The kingdom of God is a kingdom of truth. And this sword of truth is to always be wielded in love, and humility.
The truth is what people need to hear. It may cause them to run back into the dark, or it may set them free from the darkness. We are to share it, God does the setting free, and driving back into the dark. That's God's sovereign job, not ours. Our's is to lovingly, and gratefully, live our lives for Christ our Lord.

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