Monday, May 12, 2008

"Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one who believes"

"If faith be absent, the essential thing is wanting: sacraments, prayers, Bible reading, hearings of the gospel, you may heap them together, high as the stars, into a mountain, huge as high Olympus, but they are all mere chaff if faith be not there. It is thy believing or not believing which must settle the matter. Dost thou look away from thyself to Jesus for righteousness? If thou dost He is the end of the law to thee.

If thou believest in the Lord Jesus Christ thine iniquities are blotted out; for the blood of Jesus Christ, God's dear Son, cleanseth us from all sin. It is the glory of the gospel that it is a sinner's gospel; good news of blessing not for those without sin, but for those who confess and forsake it. Jesus came into the world, not to reward the sinless, but to seek and to save that which was lost; ... He is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth ... whether he be Little Faith or Greatheart. Jesus protects the rear rank as well as the vanguard. ... So long as there is a connection between you and Christ, the righteousness of God is yours. The link may be very like a film, a mere spider's line of trembling faith, but, if it runs all the way from the heart to Christ, divine grace can and will flow along the most slender thread. It is marvelous how fine the wire may be that will carry electric fluid. We need a cable to carry a message across the sea, but that is for protection of the wire within. The wire which actually carries the message is a slender thing. If thy faith be of the mustard-seed kind, if it be only such as tremblingly touches the Savior's garment hem, if thou canst only say, 'Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief,' if it be but faith of sinking Peter, or weeping Mary, yet it be faith in Christ, He will be the end of the law for righteousness to thee as well as to the chief of the apostles." C.H. Spurgeon

"This is all my hope and peace,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
This is all my righteousness,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus."

Thank You Lord for laying down upon that Cross, and bearing all my sins. No one forced you down, for they could not. You laid Your sacred hands out upon that wooden beam to be hammered through with an iron spike. You allowed your precious feet, which brought the good news to us to be driven through. You did all this for Your Father's love and glory, and for us, your wayward sons and daughters. Thank You Jesus. Amen.


Michael Shive said...

For some reason Spurgeon reminds me of Bilbo Baggins in that picture. Thanks for the quote - it must've taken quite awhile to type it up - but worth it!

donsands said...

With my typing skills, a very long while.
Thanks for the visit Miguel.

mommanator said...

dont ya just love spurgeon! my hubby has all his works!
thanks for the poignant picture too!