Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"..the guilt of sin is gone."

"Is not the power and dominion of sin broken in you? ...
The chosen seed sin and mourn it, but they are not slaves to sin; their heart goeth not after it: they have to say sometimes, 'the thing I would not that I do,' but they are wretched when it is so. They consent with their heart to the law of God that it is good, and they sigh and cry that they may be helped to obey it, for they are no longer under the slavery of sin; the serpent's reigning power and dominion is broken in them.

It is broken next in this way, that the guilt of sin is gone. The great power of the serpent lies in unpardoned sin. ... Here is a swinging blow for the old dragon's head, such as he never will recover. Once in Christ we have no cause to fear the accuser of the brethern.

'Christ is our shield and hiding place!
And shelter'd near His side.
We meet th' accuser face to face,
And tell him "Jesus died".'" -Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the prince of preachers.

1 comment:

mommanator said...

We should carry this message with us in all we do, but sometimes we forget don't we! and we have great writers like you to remind us!! thanks!