Thursday, May 22, 2008

".. weep with those that weep." Romans 12:15

"And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer" 1 Cor. 12:26

When I saw that Stephen Curtis Chapman's daughter Maria had been killed in an accident yesterday, I immediately was grieved to my deepest inner parts. My mind had no words. Words are useless when something as horrible as this happens.

The heaviness, and excruciatingly deep pain that the Chapman family will experience, is somehting we as the Body of Christ need to feel as well. I know our Lord Jesus cares more about Maria then even Stephen, and so as unbelievably tagic as this is, she is with Jesus, and Jesus will be with the Chapman family, as they struggle to simply live and breath with this extreme pain.

Lord, please comfort this dear family, as only You can. And cause us, the Body of Christ, to weep with the Chapman family, and allow our hearts to be deeply grieved with our brother and his family at this time. Amen.


Craver Vii said...


mommanator said...

what a tragic event!