Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Martyn Lloyd-Jones quote.

"Come to the Word of God. Stop asking questions. Start with the promises in their right order. Say: 'I want the truth whatever it costs me.' Bind yourself to it, submit yourself to it, come in utter submission as a little child and plead to Him to give you a clear sign, perfect vision, and to make you whole. ... We are not meant to be left in a state of doubt and misgiving, of uncertainty and unhappiness."

I read this from the book, "Why We're Not Emergent", by Kevin DeYoung & Ted Kluck, this morning, and had to write it down.

BTW, this book is an excellent book. If you want to understand the Emergent types of people in the Church today, then this book will be a great benefit, and enlighten you for sure. There shall always be false pastors, and even disciples, who will draw the sheep away from the truth. We need to be aware that Satan has many ways, and many millions of his cohorts to cause hindrance, and havoc within the Church of our Lord.

Here's another quote from MLJ: "Heresies always result from the wiles of the devil, the efforts of the principalities and powers. Are your eyes open to it? Do you realize the relevance of all this to you as a member of the Christian Church? Are you being carried away by this loose, general, sentimental talk? God forbid that any of us should ever say that it matters not what you believe as long as you are a Christian. May God open our eyes, and having given us to see the truth, then enable us ‘to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might’. ‘Take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.’"


Craver Vii said...

I am in total agreement, but this is disturbing to read, because it reminds me of a conversation with someone this weekend who takes the position that "it doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you're a Christian." I kept the conversation civil, but it was frustrating; he ought to know better.

On a related matter, where do we draw the line that divides heresy and just plain bad theology? Have you ever thought about that?

donsands said...

Yeah. I believe we'll battle this drawn line until we go home to be with Jesus, or He comes back.

The main heresy is a works gospel, or a grace and works gospel.
If a person is trusting in anything other than Christ Jesus the Lord, then he is big trouble.

Grace alone. God saves us, and we are new creations.

There's a firm line drawn here methinks.

So0me may believe this, and yet believe you can fall away from this grace, and lose your faith, and so lose your salvation. Bad theology for sure, but not heresy.
John Wesley, and others were born again, and preached by grace alone, through faith alone, and one needs to be regenerated from the dead spirit they have because of their sin, and needed His righteousness.

Charles Finney preached we have our own righteousness, and needed to work our way into heaven. Heresy.

So it's all what you're trusting in.
Then there are some false Jesus' as well, which people declare and trust in. Heresy as well.

Jesus said to the Jews, who were descendants of Abraham, and of the Scriptures, "You're Father isn't God, but the devil!"

So we need to know that only those who trust in Christ, who is the Son of God, who is God, are serving and worshiping the true God.
All others have the devil as their father and god.

Paul G said...

Good comment!
Also interesting to know, the same Jews of whom Jesus said that they were of their Father the devil, all believed in Jesus. (John 8:31 and v.44)

Personally, I think that they may have believed in Jesus just like every religion does to day, but surely they did not believe that this person standing before them is the Lord God the Almighty and that there is no other God beside Him.

donsands said...

"Also interesting to know, the same Jews of whom Jesus said that they were of their Father the devil, all believed in Jesus."

Jesus was teaching in the temple. And there were many Jews there. And many believed, and Jesus spoke directly to them to abide in His word, for if they did, then this would show them to be His disciples indeed. And He said they shall know the truth, and it will set them free.

But many didn't believe. Jesus said to the Jewish leaders, "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins." (verse 24)

Also Jesus says to the unbelieving Jews that His word has no place in them. (verse 37)

Also in chapter 10 of John, which I believe may be the same day our lord is dealing with these religious leaders who want to kill him, "I told you, and ye believed not: ... But ye believe not, because ye are not of My sheep,". (verses 25-26)

Thanks for the visit Paul.