Thursday, June 05, 2008

"Thy sins are forgiven." - Jesus

We were looking at this passage the other night, where Jesus is eating with one of the Pharisees, and a woman came into the house with ointment. And weeping, she washed the Lord's feet with her tears, and dried them with her hair; and kissed them; and then anointed them with the ointment.

This is such a powerful passage of the Scriptures [Luke 7:36-50] on forgiveness, love, and faith.
I encourage all to go and read through these verses, and study them, and meditate upon these sacred and truthful words, and ponder all the things that took place as Jesus sat and supped with the religious leaders.
Especially the portion where our Savior says to this sinful woman, "Your sins are forgiven". And also Jesus says, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."

Has Jesus said this to you? Have you ever heard the Holy Spirit speak through the Gospel to you? Have you understood the truth of Christ's death and resurrection, to you personally, and heard the Lord say, "Your sins are forgiven. Your faith in Christ, and the truth, has saved you. Now go in peace".

This same peace is not as the world's peace. This peace is peace with God through the Cross. God's wrath, which you and I deserve for our sins, has been absorbed by the body of Jesus Christ, when it was broken for our sins on the Cross. Our sins have also been washed away by the precious blood of Christ, which was spilled on that first Good Friday.
This peace will not be taken away, neither could it ever be. God's peace for us, toward us, and even in us, is eternal peace.
So rejoice with great joy, if you have heard the call of Jesus to come to Him, and to receive forgiveness! This is the most awesome of all truths, and the most wonderful blessing anyone could ever obtain. For the Lord not only died for those whom come to Him for mercy, but He rose from the dead, and lives and makes intercession for us, even now.
His peace passes all comprehension. And His love is beyond knowledge. Be comforted in these truths today.

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