Friday, June 06, 2008

Louis Charles Uebel Jr., my father-in-law died last night. His wife and eight children mourn him, as I do.

My father-in-law was molded in a different era. He was a hard worker, and provided for his family. He had a lot of sinful problems, as we all do. And these past dozen or so years have been hard, ever since he had a heart attack, and then multiple small strokes.
He and I had a good relationship, and I shall miss him. I hope he is with the Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.

Here is an e-mail my wife Patti, the oldest child, sent out to our friends and family:
"Hi, everyone....

This is hard to write without sounding wierd and I ask for your understanding.

Dad passed away early this morning, 1:00 A.M. He was in recovery from the surgery of his hip, and I don't think he ever came completely awake. The surgery was around 9:30 P.M.; Mom got home about 11:30 and received a call just before 1:00 this morning. All the siblings were with Mom til 3:30 this morning.

I ask for your prayers, especially for Mom. Tomorrow would have been their 56th anniversary. Today is actually both my sisters' (Debbie and Denise) birthdays. Please pray for grace to be poured out from above over the next few days and weeks. May this be a time of healing of relationships, instead of bickering. And may the Lord give me graceful, truthful words to honor Him as I speak to others.
The priest from St. Mark church came to the hospital at 3:00 to give Last Rites. May the grace and kindness of my Loving Savior, who called me out of darkness, be pleased to call the rest of my family as well.

Thanks for praying; I love you all."

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