Thursday, June 26, 2008

"The Flood" -from 'Jesus for President', by Shane Claiborne

"So by the sixth chapter of the Bible things had already gotten really ugly. We read, "Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence' (Gen. 6:11). Violence infected the earth like a disease. What was God to do

At first glance, the flood might seem to us like the most violent thing that has ever happened, especially in the wake of contemporary storms and tsunamis. But the biblical narrative treats it as an act of protection from the corruption and violence that plagued the creation. It's like a divine chemotherapy, or the pruning of a diseased plant to save its life. Go loves humanity so much that watching us kill ourselves is absolutely intolerable. So God saved humanity through the flood." -Shane Claiborne

"And God said, This is the sign of the covenant I am making between Me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth." (Gen. 9:12-13)

God certainly did save Noah, and his family, and thereby humanity. However, millions, perhaps hundreds of millions, of humans were righteously judged and destroyed by the Lord God. And this judgment is nowhere as devastating, when compared to the Last Day Judgment, when the Lord will cast all these wicked people in the lake of fire.
That will be a scary Day indeed.
If one would sit and ponder the most scariest possibility: Perhaps being in a fox hole with thousands of hostile soldiers wanting to kill you, or walking down a dark alley at night in a bad neighborhood, or being thrown into prison with murders who hated you, or Freddy Kruger in your closet, or whatever it may be: None of these is even to be compared to the fear we will have when we stand before the Almighty Holy God with His righteous indignation. Now that shall be beyond scary.
And the thing is this. If we fear this wrath of God, and really fear Him, then we need not fear. But if we don't fear this holy Almighty, and merciful, God, then one day we shall fear Him, when we meet Him at the Judgment.

I'm going with my son-in-law to see Shane tomorrow night. I'm hoping to grow in Jesus grace and knowledge. I realize this young man is a controversy in the Church, and I want to see first hand what he declares. Is it a false gospel? Is a watered down gospel? Or is the genuine Gospel, being declared through a personality I'm just not familiar with?
If you think of it pray for us. Thanks. And pray for Shane. Thanks.


Ron said...


I am interested in your thoughts on this. I attend the church that hosted Claiborne (after Cedarville University cancelled his speaking engagement) which I attended. I really had no idea who he was prior to this event, so I went without preconceived notions. I wasn't even aware of the controversy regarding "the cancellation." I surmise that you and I seem to have similar beliefs
from what I've read lurking here and over at TeamPyro. And I have some very specific views on Shane, which I'll gladly share. So I'd like to hear another objective viewpoint.


donsands said...

Thanks for droppin' by.

I'm going to share my thoughts on Shane in my next post. It was a very interesting 3 hours to say the least.