Saturday, June 28, 2008

"..For he bears not the sword in vain: for he is a minister of God a revenger to execute wrath upon him that does evil." Rom. 13:4

The Apostle Peter says: "Submit yourself to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;
Or to governors, as unto them that are sent by Him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
For so is the will of God..."

The Church. Government. How do we discern properly in our hearts and minds, so that we can have a healthy understanding of how God wants us to see clearly the relationship of His people and the Nation's government in which we live: America, Nepal, China, Cuba, Iran, Greenland or any nation on this earth.

Peter and Paul had an evil king reigning over them in Israel. Not to mention Rome ruled Israel, and the whole world at the time, and the rulers were quite wicked. And yet these two powerful men of God, said to submit and obey the powers at hand. UNLESS, and that's a huge unless, they command us to go against God's law, and in that case we must obey God, even if it would cause us to imprisoned, or even put to death. Daniel, and the three Hebrew children, are fine examples for us in how God calls us to respect the authorities, and yet stand firm for the truth of God when confronted.

I write all this because I went to hear Shane Claiborne last night with Mike, my son-in-law. He is a very controversial young Christian author, to say the least. I believe he is my brother in Christ. I don't know for sure, of course, but from what he proclaimed last night, I will accept him as God's child.

Having said that, I must say he and I couldn't be any further apart on several issues. And to tell you the truth, it's very difficult to explain what Shane stands for. He is basically wearing his heart on his sleeve, not like the ever confounding Brian McLaren, (who by the way was there last, and he played the guitar at break time).
However, I can't seem to find the words to explain Shane Claiborne. Maybe it's because there's so much there? Maybe it's just my brain just ain't kickin' in high gear today. I don't know.

So I'll simply let my heart flow here a bit, and maybe that will be telling.

Personally, I wasn't overly blessed at this church meeting, if you understand my meaning. I did not really learn anything new and enlightening, nor was inspired spiritually. I can say I have seen Shane Claiborne, and heard him share his worldview, which is a mixture of politics and Christianity, and he seems to be a passivest who is upset with America.

I felt quite at ease, and enjoyed some of the music, though it's incredibly different, yet seems genuine. I believe the singers were singing from their hearts to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So the authenticity was good.
Some of the song they sang were simply telling a story along with Shane.
Basically he read from his book, then the other author of the book read; I think his name is Chris. Then the band would come in and sing different songs. Some spiritual, and some not. They sang "16 Tons":

"You load sixteen tons, and what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt.
Saint Peter, don't you call me, 'cause I can't go;
I owe my soul to the company store...", which was familiar to me. And though it's a song about coalminers, and their struggles it seemed to fit well with their stody telling.

And it went on and on, a blending of Shane's mindset, and the Scriptures together, with music, in order to make his point. He do skim through Genesis to Revelation, with selected passages.
I feel he could have had a better balanced view of God's truth, if he would struggle more with the passages of Holy Writ that push against his world view. And we all need to have the Scriptures rule our minds, not use the Scriptures to support our world view, which is what we do, don't we.
I think Shane does this. I think he is a passionate young Christain, and loves people, and wants to take Christ to the world, but he is unbalanced and immature, which we all have to go through. And yet he is doing many good works for the Lord, things that, frankly, I couldn't do.
I pray God will continue to use him, and help him "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ".

Well that's about it for now. I don't really feel like writing about all the political stuff he let flow; and it was a good amount. But hey, that's what he has purposed to do in writing "Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary Radicals".
May the lord bless Shane, so that he has a great hunger for God's Word, and a thirst for His sovereign Holy Spirit. Amen.


Ron said...

Thanks Don,

This situation, along with too many others in recent times, reminds me so much of the example I set for my children (now grown) prior to my accepting Jesus' saving grace. Even though they now see me for my love for Christ, they still have the picture of their old father and the lessons I taught. We need to be aware of how we disciple others, our own children included. I am comforted that God, if it be His will, will redeem any and all situations for His glory, even Shane's.


donsands said...

There's a lot of things that can be discussed about Shane, and I'm sure there will be plenty who call him a heretic, some a false disciple, and others who will commend him very highly.

I think he needs to be more grounded in the Scriptures and the Gospel, and keep doing what he's doing for the poor, and keep living for the Lord, and stop complaining and criticizing America so much.

Ron said...

We can easily make many things our idol, even Social Justice it seems. I've spoken to a few folks about Shane, most of them younger than I, who initially are enamored with his personna and good works. But once they search for Scriptural discernment, they leave confused, as if they were sold a scam. His intentionality is something all us believers could model in our walks though.

donsands said...

Well said Ron. That about nails him down I think.

It's the human personality making the Scriptures fit my heart. And we all have to struggle with this.

But we must declare the whole of Scripture; and live by EVERY word that proceeded from the mouth of God. It's what the Lord requires. And it's the only way to serve and worship Him rightly.

Be blessed ron.

mommanator said...

after reading thisa all I can think of is BEWARE of false apostles of the word!

Geoff Bynum said...

just stumbled on your blog. your comments regarding shane seem wise and well-founded. i am reminded of the apostle james' suggestion to the church,

1Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check. James 3:1-2

I know Paul encouraged Timothy not to let anyone look down on him because of his youth. But he also counseled him to be very careful with his doctrine, how he related to others and lived his life. Then I think of Paul's requirements for leadership and I question whether this young man would meet them?

As one who has been walking with Jesus for 22 years and has been pastoring full-time for the last 7 of those years, I am convinced that the gospel alone is sufficient for accomplishing all that jesus really desires in us. While we all add our own worldview, experiences and interpretations to our reading/understanding of the gospel, it seems apparent to me that much more than the gospel is being promoted in Shane's teaching. Perhaps a few more years of apprenticing under a wiser person would be beneficial. Slow to speak, quick to listen.

donsands said...

some good thoughts gbynum1. Thanks for the visit.