Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree." Deut 21:23; Gal. 3:13

As of late I have been discussing the truth of what it means for Christ to be made a curse for us. It's been rather a deep, and even heated, dispute, yet with respect on both sides. I thought I'd simply set forth a teaching here from Dr. Martin Luther , and perhaps his words will speak to us as we ponder them.

"Let us receive this most sweet doctrine, so full of comfort, with thanksgiving and with an assured faith, which teaches that Christ being made a curse for us (that is, a sinner under the wrath of God), put upon Himself our person, and laid our sins upon His own shoulders. saying, I have committed the sins which all men have committed. Therefore, He was made a curse indeed according to the law, not for Himself, but, as Paul says, for us. For unless He had taken upon Himself my sins and yours, and the sins of the whole world, the law would have had no right over Him, for it condemns none but sinners only, and holds them under the curse. So He could neither have been made a curse nor die, since the only cause of the curse and of death is sin, from which He was free. But because He had taken upon Himself our sins, not by constraint, but of His own good will, it behooved Him to bear the punishment and wrath of God not for His own Person, but for our person.

So, making a happy change with us, He took upon Himself our sinful person, and gave unto us His innocent and victorious Person; wherewith we being now clothed are freed from the curse of the law. .... For there is now no sin, no curse, no death, no devil, to hurt us anymore, for Christ has vanquished and abolished all these things. .....
But where no faith in Christ is, there sin still remains. And though the remnants of sin are still in the saints because they believe not perfectly, yet are they dead in that they are not imputed to them because of their faith in Christ."

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