Saturday, July 19, 2008

Three Dark and Evil, and Yet Wondrous, Hours.

I have been studying the truth of Jesus being forsaken. Some say it was just an expression, and Jesus was not truly forsaken. Some of the more liberal teachers avoid it altogether.
And then there are those who say the greatest mystery in all the universe is the Son of God crying out, "My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?", for Jesus had become a curse on that Cross for us, and He bore our sin, and became sin, and so received in His Person the full wrath of His Father, and drank the cup the Father laid before Him.

I believe that Christ our Savior and Friend was forsaken. Did He cease to be God the Son? No. But, the Father turned away, and sin was condemned in His Person, for us the condemned.

I will be studying this with my pastors, and will have more to say I'm sure.

May our Lord Jesus continue to enlighten our minds, and strengthen our hearts with His love, which was displayed like none other on that first Good Friday; the most blessed Friday of all. And may we be blessed with His wisdom, so that the infinite depth of mercy found at the Cross will refresh our souls over and over, so that we will be able to refresh others in the love of Christ. Amen.


Anonymous said...

a nice blog

donsands said...

Thanks. And greetings. Stop by anytime. I visited your blog by I can't understand what ever language that is. Nice blog though.

mommanator said...

He also said "it is finished!" what a glorius God we serve!

donsands said...

"It is Finished!"

Thanks for sharing that. Gave me a joyful heart to think of Jesus saying those most powerful words. And words of love.

Ike said...

Here is another great sermon by Paul Washer about the meaning of the cross. If you go to "" and type in Paul Washer you will find many of his sermons. It is woth it. I will leave "The Meaning of the Cross".