Sunday, July 20, 2008

Neighborhood Carnival Fun with the Fam & Friends!

[Top: Mike-Steph-Todd (holding Sean) & Jodi, Todd's wife, due in October
Bottom: Josh-Matthew-Noah & Ethan]
Seems we end up here every year now. Which I enjoy very much. It's a different atmosphere to say the least, but it's great to just have some fun.

Throwing ping pong balls for goldfish; all the kids getting on rides; and the Ferris Wheel. Good fun.

I accidentally went on some kind of Spaceship ride with my grandson Josh. Actually I was concerned for my 8 year old grandson, and so went in to check on him, and the attendant say. "Go ahead and get on".
Man! did I hate this ride. It spins a hundred miles an hour and you are plastered to the wall. Josh loved it. (I don't think I was supposed to take pictures though. Oh well.)

But it's really all about the kids. It's a good time of laughs and smiles all around. The Lord truly is such a good God to us. May we never forget to thank Him for all the graciousness He shows toward us.

And the kids are usually tired-out afterwards, which is "cool beans" for Mom & Dad.


Craver Vii said...

That's great, Man. Noah looks totally wiped in the last shot.

I was in one of those centrifugal things once. LOVED IT!!! I think they don't want to pay to replace peoples' glasses or cameras. Dude, there's GOTTA be a way to snap photos with permission in that thing. Duct tape a compact digital camera to your forehead or something! :-)

donsands said...

It's always a pleasure when you stop by Craver.

I thought you would be the kind of guy to dig a ride like this.

God bless.