Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Behold, I make all things New" Rev. 21:5

"Just as our Lord has gone to heaven to prepare a place for us, so we, His people, are stopping here to prepare a place for Him. We are winning men from the world to Christ, we are raising the tone of morals, we are spreading light and truth on all sides by the power of the Spirit, and so we are helping to make the world readier to receive the great King. We are seeking out His jewels, we are bringing His rebellious subjects to his feet. The life that is in us seems out of place in this mortal frame, for the body is dead because of sin, and therefore we groan, being burdened. As for the world itself, it is not our rest, for it is polluted. It seems a dreadful thing for the living Spirit to be dwelling in this graveyard of a world, but there is a necessity for us to be here. We are linked with a Creation made subject to vanity, because it was thus subjected, not willingly, but by reason of Him who has subjected the same hope that the creation itself also 'shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God'. We are here as links between the spiritual and the material, and we are working out divine purposes for the fuller display of the divine glory. Wherefore comfort one another with these words, and as new creatures in Jesus Christ lok for the new heavens and the new earth, and for the coming of your Lord and Savior. Know ye not that when he shall appear then shall ye also appear with Him in glory. Let us even now bow before Him and salute Him with the language of our hymn.

'To thee the world its treasure brings;
To thee its mighty bow;
To thee the church exulting springs;
Her Sovereign, Saviour Thou!

'Beneath thy touch, beneath thy smile;
New heavens and earth appear;
No sin their beauty to defile,
Nor dim them with a tear.'" -Charles Haddon Spurgeon

No tears, but tears of gratitude and joy that is! Can you close your eyes and ponder seeing Jesus Christ's face? We all shall. And for those who trust in Him alone, and His Cross alone, will see a smile. For those who disregard Christ's death as the propitiation for our sin, His face will not be welcomed; no smile for them. they will be escorted from His sight, and never to behold the magnificience of Jesus' presence. He surely invites, and calls to all to come to Him. So come to Christ today, if you never have.

"Come unto Me, all you who are heavy laden, and burdened with sin, and you will find forgiveness, and rest for your soul."


Craver Vii said...

"New heavens and earth appear;
No sin their beauty to defile,"

No "green" agenda can compare to that! Oh, how I would love to be living a life that did not pollute and defile everything and everyone around me.

donsands said...

And you will one day Craver. But all that will pale to insignificance, when we see Jesus, and hear His voice welcome us.

Though, I don't want to sound like I'm "Mr. Spiritual", becasue I'm not.
I mostly am selfish, and want heaven because I'm tired of things that bother me.
But underneath this is a heart God has touched, that loves Christ, and longs to see Him.

"If I went to heaven, and Jesus wasn't there, it would be hell.
And if I went to hell, and Jesus was there, it would be heaven". -an old saint of God