Monday, September 22, 2008

A friend of mine, Jim, whom I call Tattoo-Man.

This is Jim. I have known Jim for about 4 or 5 years now. He works at the supply house where I purchase the materials for my business. He's a good worker, and always accommodating. He goes the extra mile to help us get loaded up for the day, and almost always with a really good attitude. He does have the tendency to complain a bit, but who doesn't complain. He isn't shy about too many things. He has asked me many times to pray for him, and for his family, Especially when one of his loved ones is ill, or hurt.
One day while we were loading up the truck I just had to ask Jim how much he paid for all those tattoos. He said about $2,500. I thought that was incredible.
He has this one particular tattoo on his calf of the crucified Lord, that caught my eye one day. We have had quite a few discussions about Christ, and the Gospel, the Bible and eternal life. He has yet to be offended by the Gospel, and yet keeps his distance, if you know what I mean.
He has, at times, seemed to have tried the waters of life, so to speak.
He actually has several tats of the Lord. During one of our chats, it occurred to me that when Christ saves us, He truly comes and makes His abode within us, and so I shared with Jim, within our conversation, that he needed to have Christ in his soul, so that the Savior could wash his heart clean forever. I said, "You need to have the Jesus of the Cross, the risen Christ, off your calf, and in your life, and heart Jim". He just looked at me and nodded, as he does.
That was a couple years ago, and Jim is still Tattoo-Man, and a friend. I saw him today in fact, and we talked a bit. He sure does have a salty tongue, as they say, and apologizes for it, but not to often, which is fine with me. I like Jim, and hope one day he cries out to the Lord, and the Lord's mercy captures his heart as it did mine.

I took these photos of Jim, and asked him if I could put him on my blog. And he smiled and said no problem. He's a good guy. Please pray for him, if you have the urge.


mommanator said...

lokks like you have surely planted some seeds, maybe the Lord will continue to water those seeds and he will come to the Master- I will pray

Litl-Luther said...

Don, I'll be praying. You are being a great witness for Christ to this fellow.

donsands said...

Thanks Mommanator & Triston.

Craver Vii said...

I wonder what the story is behind his Jesus tattoos.

donsands said...

Hey Craver,
I asked him that, and it just seemed he liked the idea of Jesus tattooed on him.
Just that simple.

Good to hear from you. Well, not like I haven't seen you for a while. I've seen you around the blogisphere a bit.

Unknown said...

I just prayed for Jim. I prayed that the Love of God and His Grace will be revealed to him, melt his heart so he will cry out to Jesus to come into his heart and save him.

I speak revelation knowledge of Jesus Christ unto him, who is God in the flesh, the propitiation(payment for our sins), his sinless blood that washes us clean to reconcile us to the Heavenly Father. It will be so compelling and penetrating that he will not want to resist any longer. I claim him for the Kingdom of God, in Jesus name, Amen!

donsands said...

Thanks Patty. I'll let Jim know there are Christians praying for him.