Monday, October 13, 2008

Catholic Vote 2008

I came across this video at another Christian's blog [], and thought it made a strong point against abortion; and in a genuine down to earth sort of way.

Making abortion illegal once again, as it was in 1973, is my heart's foremost issue in the up coming presidential election. All the other issues surely matter to me,-- taxes, the war, education, inflation, and so on,--but how a man, or woman, understands the rights of the unborn child is of utmost concern for me.

Also, it's important for me to remember the Church is not America, and America is not the Church. I am not to mix cultural-moralism with the Gospel.

As Michael Horton says, "Christianity is not a culture. ... The Gospel has succeeded in a variety of cultures and has thrived among groups, maintaining vastly different values and mores, and has been just as good at reconciling socialists to God as capitalists. ...It is not to say that public policy issues shouldn't be important to a Christian. Quite the contrary, every Christian ought to be interested in public policy issues, but as citizens, not as the Church making stands on what the Gospel is.
.... we are called to preach the good news and to call men and women to repentance, but that is not a political issue, that is not ultimate a moral issue, that is a Gospel issue. Repentance can no more be coerced by the state than faith; both are the gracious gifts of God." (From Modern Reformation magazine)

And one more thought. There's quite a difference in the Catholic Church's gospel, and the gospel I now trust. Their's is a gospel of behavior plus grace, which is a false gospel. Protestantism, which is what I adhere to now, is a gospel of grace alone, through faith alone. Big time difference.
Felt that was important to note.


mommanator said...

Was reminded yesterday that Obama & Biden are both for partial birth abortion- How can anyone think it is ok to abort? but particularly still in the fifth month of pregancy!? Personally I think that is murder in the worst possible way! Thanks for your thoughts too

donsands said...

There are at times that an aborted baby is born alive as well, and there is a law: The Born Alive Protection Act, which Senator Obama has voted down 4 times. Which means the baby is left to die, and it can take up to 45 minutes for the baby to die.

Thanks for stopping by Mommanator.

M. R. Burgos said...

donsands,thanks for pointing out your last comment. Great post.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post Don.

I wish I had time to write more, and to post more of my thoughts myself....

It really saddens me to hear even close family saying that Obama is "prolife" because he wants to help those starving in Africa, and help the homeless, the suffering and so on...that's just ignorant and deceit. I not only saddens me, but it sickens me when I hear people like the put away falsehood campaign - which is by Christians!!

Sure, we as Christians need to be concerned about the welfare of all humans - and those alive are no exception. BUT those unborn are the ultimate in "the least of these"...and we in America kill more unborn defenseless humans than in any war, famine, or pandemic in history.

Makes no sense to me...other than the father of lies in raging.