Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure; Save from wrath and make me pure." -Augustus M. Toplady,

As I listened to this hymn, 'Rock of Ages', today on my way to church, this particular portion of the first verse moved my heart like never before. I'm not exactly sure why. What incredible words, and beautiful words to comfort the sinner, and the guilty heart.


Anonymous said...

Often times, we lose the truth and reality of Christ in some of our modern or contemporary songs, and these traditional hymns remind me of these truths.

I am working on arranging a few of my favorites for piano and other instrumentation. There is so much truth and hope in many of these hymns. Thanks Don.

donsands said...

"I am working on arranging a few of my favorites for piano and other instrumentation."

That's great. Thanks for stopping by Chris.

mommanator said...

Many of the old traditionals we need to really Look $ listen to the words-so inspiring!