Friday, October 03, 2008


In our culture today, repenting is something that is shrugged off, and even put away. In other years it was a principle used to batter people. And there shall always be extremes to the truth of God's Word; the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His Apostles.

Here's a short & sweet teaching from Charles Haddon Spurgeon, which hits the nail on the head, and drives it down deep into the soul, (if you will grasp it), so that it is anchored firmly in your heart of hearts:
"We are preach the motives of repentance--that men may not repent from mere fear of hell, but they must repent of sin itself. Every thief is sorry when he has to go to prison; every murderer is sorry when the noose is about his neck; the sinner must repent, not because of punishment of sin, but because his sin is sin against a pardoning God, sin against a bleeding Savior, sin against a holy law, sin against a tender gospel. The true penitent repents of sin against God, and he would do so even if there were no punishment.

We are to tell of the source of repentance, namely, that the Lord Jesus Christ is exalted on high to give repentance and remission of sins. Repentance is a plant that never grows on nature's dunghill: the nature must be changed, and repentance must be implanted by the Holy Spirit, or it will never flourish in our hearts. We preach repentance as a fruit of the Spirit, or else we greatly err."


Litl-Luther said...

Wonderful teaching!! Thanks for sharing this treasure from Spurgeon.

"Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight" (Ps. 51:4a)

preacherman said...

Fantastic post.
I totally agree with you brother on this topic. I whole heartedly believe that this topic is neglected in many churches today. We need to be preaching repentance. The scriptures say, God wants all men to come to repentance. Repentance I believe is the most important part of becoming a believer. Thank you so much for discussing this topic. I can't wait to hear more. I want you to know that you, your family and ministry are in my prayers. I know God has great things instore for your life. Keep trusting God in all things. In every aspect of your life. I hope you and your family have wonderful weekend.

donsands said...

Thanks Triston & preacherman.

"Repentance I believe is the most important part of becoming a believer."

It's one side of a coin, and the other side is faith.

"We were all dead in our sins, rebels, and children of wrath. But God...."