Monday, November 10, 2008

Nat LeTowt, ordained Pastor at Christ Fellowship Church.

We had the ordination service yesterday for Pastor Nat Letowt, our Associate Pastor. It was just amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing how God pours out His greatest blessings upon Nat, and the church. It was very inspiring. The presence of Christ was real, and the joy of the Lord was full. We now have two very fine pastors, who both love Christ, and love the truth of His Holy Scriptures, and are genuinely sold out for the Gospel.

Of course Satan will intensify his attacks now, but he is chained to the Cross, and we need to remember that.

May our Lord's greatest blessing be upon Nat, now that he has had the hands of the elders and pastors, and his mentors laid upon him for the work of his calling. And may he do the work of an envangelist. Amen.


mommanator said...

How exciting! for him & the Lord!
He looks sooo young!

donsands said...

It is exciting. Nat's testimony was marvelous, and was focused with a fixed heart upon the Lord, and His grace.

He's young, but he's quite mature.