Tuesday, December 30, 2008

EXODUS 34:14

"For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God!"

I went to the Mall last night with my wife. She wanted to exchange a Christmas gift at the jewelry store. The saleswoman who helped us was very accommodating, and pleasant. Her name was Lamom, and she was from Thailand. I mentioned to her that I had a friend in Nepal, who likes to vacation with his wife and family in Thailand; specifically Bangkok. She asked me who my friend was. I said, "He's a missionary, and has lived in Nepal for 11 years."

We chatted about this for a bit. She mentioned she was married in a Presbyterion church. My wife asked if she practiced her faith. She said, "I practice two faiths." We asked her what she meant. She said, "When I am here I practice my Christian faith. When I visit Thailand, I practice the Buddhist faith, and go to the temple of Buddha."

I said, "You know Buddha was quite the bad man. He desserted his family." I was surprised that she agreed he wasn't a good man, as she put it. I also said, "You know, I don't believe Jesus really would want you practicing any other faith, then faith in Himself."

We then returned to the jewelry expedition, and she was quite a fine employee, and she knew how to help a customer. I give her 5 stars.

My wife finally settled on the neckless, and earrings she wanted, and also a ring. They were having a 50% sale, with an extra 15% off. Patti was very blessed, and I was blessed.
Lamom went and cleaned the jewelry, and set it in the appropriate packing, and then brought it back to us. I was praying during her absense, asking the Lord to help me share the truth in love with her.

She came and we had some small talk, and then she shared about her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend, who was hooked on drugs. We talked about this a bit, and I asked her if I could share something with her. She nodded.

I said, "Picture this: John the Baptist was baptizing people at the Jordan river--(this is in the gospel of John. And then comes Jesus walking up to John. John says, 'I am the one who needs to be baptized by you.' Jesus says, 'You go ahead and baptize Me, and so all righteousness will be fulfilled'. Jesus was saying that He is going to live a perfect righteous life, and that this righteousness will be given to His children, all who trust in Him. And then, as John baptized Jesus, there was a voice that came from heaven and said, "This is My Beloved Son, and I am well pleased in Him.'

I then told Lamom, "The Father in heaven was telling us this Son is His gift to us, our only salvation. Jesus died on a Cross for our sins, and the Father raised Him from the dead. And the Father says this is the only way one can come to Him; through His Beloved Son.

I thank the Lord for allowing me to share the Gospel with Lamom. I am praying for her, and her daughter, and her daughter's boyfriend, that they will know God's mercy and truth. Also that the power of the Gospel will keep coming to her, so she can hear the truth, and repent and believe the good news. And if your heart tells you to, then say a prayer for Lamom. Thanks.

And to God be all glory, and we surely can rejoice in the Lord when He receives all the glory can't we. We are nothing without Him. Amen.


Craver Vii said...

I pray that the Holy Spirit opens her eyes, that her natural blindness would not prevent her from seeing God's supernatural revelation. I pray that God would unstop her ears, that she would be able to hear the words of life that you shared with her. I pray that the Lord would soften her heart, that she would receive Him in.

donsands said...

Wonderful prayer Craver. I agree with your prayer, and ask our Lord to do all this for His name's sake. Amen.