Monday, December 29, 2008

"Abide in Me, and I in you"-Jesus

[Colleges and halls of the University of Oxford
Christ Church, where JC Ryle was educated]

"He [Jesus] is "the Vine," and they [believers] are "the branches."

The union between the branch of a vine and the main stem, is the closest that can be conceived. It is the whole secret of the branch's life, strength, vigor, beauty, and fertility. Separate from the parent stem, it has no life of its own. The sap and juice that flow from the stem are the origin and maintaining power of all its leaves, buds, blossoms, and fruit. Cut off from the stem, it must soon wither and die.

The union between Christ and believers is just as close, and just as real. In themselves believers have no life, or strength, or spiritual power. All that they have of vital religion comes from Christ. They are what they are, and feel what they feel, and do what they do, because they draw out of Jesus a continual supply of grace, help, and ability. Joined to the Lord by faith, and united in mysterious union with Him by the Spirit, they stand, and walk, and continue, and run the Christian race. But every jot of good about them is drawn from their spiritual Head, Jesus Christ.

The thought before us is both comfortable and instructive. Believers have no cause to despair of their own salvation, and to think they will never reach heaven. Let them consider that they are not left to themselves and their own strength. Their root is Christ, and all that there is in the root is for the benefit of the branches. Because He lives, they also shall live." -Bishop John Charles Ryle (1816-1900)

Here are some good thoughts on our Lord's words in the Gospel of John the 15th chapter. I believe the Lord Jesus gives us such a parable like this, so that we can grasp this deep truth, and hold it in our hearts, and feed on it, and so it becomes part of us. And this I believe is what Jesus means by "abide in Me". We must read, study, pray over, and meditate on his words, and so we shall abide closer and closer to Him, and then become more like Him, and so become a doer of the Word, and not a hearer only.


Anonymous said...

The fruits grow on the branches...

While the vine provides the support, nourishment, strength, and all of life - the fruit grows on the branches. Of course, if the branches are removed from the vine - the fruit withers and dies. But as the branches are connected to the life giving vine - the fruit grows, ripens, re-seeds, and propagates....

Great post Don. Thank you!


donsands said...

Thanks bro.

Anonymous said...

Just remembered this post that I wrote a little while ago....kind of coordinates with what you posted here.

Filled With God's Joy