Thursday, December 25, 2008

"..let not many of you become teachers,.." James 3:1

Any of us who speaks the truth in love will be accountable for our words. However, those who call themselves teachers, and who exert influence over others, they had better have a healthy fear for teaching the Holy Scriptures. I would say, in fact, that if you examine yourself, and you haven't a nervousness about teaching God's Word, then don't do it. And the fear goes well with love and confidence. These all mix together. And the preacher, pastor, evangelist, teacher, and whoever else proclaims the truth in love, will be well rewarded when they meet the Lord of lords, Jesus Christ, for He shall say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

But to those who have not feared, He will say, "Depart from Me, you wicked lawless false disciples and teachers."

I read and incredible post today, and if you have time go and check it out. Here it is:

This is one of the good pastor/teachers, who will edify your soul. Grace and peace.


mommanator said...

Something to think on!
I so want him to say that to me when my time here has ended!

Craver Vii said...

"Let not many of you become teachers,.." Man, that admonishment is not seriously heeded, is it? I do not feel timid about teaching, but that's because I have good curriculum and I mostly teach 3rd & 4th graders. I have taught adults before, but the fear I get is not stage fright... it's a concern that I get the message right.

You know what I wish? I wish I could teach the whole Bible through without being a hypocyrite in any of the lessons. That would be something!

donsands said...

I'm sure our Lord shall Mommanator.

"'s a concern that I get the message right."

A loving concern more than fear? I agree. I think that may be what fear-love-joy in the genuine Christian heart may look like.

Jesus tells us to fear God. And then he says, "Don't fear." There's the initial fear somewhere along the line, and that same fear may visit our hearts, if we stray from the straight and narrow. I don't think it's a sinner's fear, but a son's fear of a good Father.

I know I feared my Dad, when I was bad, and i had to face him, there was a fear, but an understanding that he loved me.

"I wish I could teach the whole Bible through without being a hypocyrite in any of the lessons. That would be something!"

I wish that right along with you Craver.
Thank the Lord He loves us, and His grace truly is a grace full of forgiveness, mercy, and once and for all redemption. We have nothing to fear in that respect.