Wednesday, December 03, 2008

"Peace I leave with you".

"In this verse our Lord gives His disciples one more consolation. He bequeaths them as a legacy, "peace;" not riches or worldly honor, but peace,--peace of heart, conscience, and inward man,--peace from a sense of pardoned sin, a living Savior, and a home in heaven.

Matthew Henry remarks here, "When Christ left the world, He made His will. His soul He bequeathed to His Father, and His body to Joseph. His clothes fell to the soldiers. His mother He left to the care of John. But what should He leave to His poor disciples, who had left all for Him? Silver and gold He had none; but He left them what was far better, His peace." -John Charles Ryle, From his Expository Thoughts on the Gospels, Volume 4.

Jesus truly desires we learn of Him, and find a peaceful rest for our souls (Matt. 11:28). Is there such a gift in the world?
I have been reading through the book of Acts in the morning, and today I came to where Peter was arrested and chained to four guards in prison, with his cloak and sandals taken from him.
So there he was, and he was sound asleep. I thought here is the disciple of Christ experiencing a heavy trial, and yet he is full of Jesus' promise of His peace. So much so that he sleeps. And so an angel comes into the cell, and with a brightness as well, and yet Peter is so fast asleep the angel had to kick him to wake him.
May we experience such peace as our elder brother Peter did. Especially as the days become darker and darker. For Jesus' promise of His peace is for all His children, which includes you and me. Amen.


mommanator said...

Yes Peace- we pray for it daily in the world, but forget to realise there are many who have not accepted HIS peace yet! We must continue to be bearers of HIS peace!

donsands said...

Amen. He is the Prince of peace, and we are under His authority to take the Gospel of peace to the world.