Saturday, January 03, 2009

"God accepteth no man's person." Galatians 2:6

I thought these words from Dr. Luther were encouraging. And I'm going to need a lot of that in the coming days, with the economy the way it is.

"God is no respector of person, ...It is not the dignity or authority of men that God regards. .... So the prince, the magistrate, the preacher, the schoolmaster, the scholar, the father, the mother, the children, the master, the servant, are persons, and outward veils, which God will have us acknowledge, love, and reverence, as His creatures. This is necessary in this life, but He will not have us so reverence them and put our trust in them that we forget Him. To this end we should not too much magnify the outward persons, or put to great trust in them; God leaves in them offenses and sins, yea, great and foul sins, to teach us what difference there is between persons and God Himself. ...

Let us then use bread, wine, apparel, possessions, gold, silver, and all other creatures; but let us not trust or glory in them. We must trust and glory in God alone." -Martin Luther, from his Commentary on Galatians. (It was first published in 1535. In 1577 it was translated and published in English.)

It's going to be quite a hard season for my faith methinks in these next days. I'm "smack dab" in the midst of this economy fiasco, and money is going to be sparse for my business. If you have a moment, I could use a prayer to our Lord to fill me, and my partners, and my employees, with His peace and wisdom. And I also wouldn't mind, --not that I can ever complain--, if the Lord prospered us with some good hard work. However, (and I really mean this), the bottom line is this: "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our sovereign God and Savior, and Friend." So whatever happens, He is a good and sovereign Father. And He deserves all my love and obedience. Amen, and amen.


High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Jeff Branch said...

I am in the flooring business - I feel your pain and appreciate the words in your post.

donsands said...

Thanks for stopping by Jeff. Lord bless you and yours.

I'm not sure where R2K is coming from. :(

Anonymous said...

These are interesting times Don.

I also am self-employed in the housing industry. A designer.

While work is slow, I can not allow myself to be rutted into the same thinking that drives the economy downward.

In the Kingdom of God, there is no recession. This isn't ignorant thinking, or wishful thinking - it's truth of God within of the reality of man.

I recently wrote about finances here. It's not easy to trust - but we have to trust Him.

Some trust in chariots (money) but WE [choose to] trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Shiloh Guy said...

Hi Don,

I bumped into you again over on Jonathan Moorhead's blog. Good to talk to you again.

The economy already caused great change in our lives. We left Grand Rapids in July and accepted a call to plant a church in Shafter, CA (about 10 miles north of Bakersfield in the San Joaquin Valley). I'll pray for you and your business and that the Lord will show his gracious providence to you. It's always easy to tell people to just trust the Lord. It's better to walk through the trying times with them. So, I'll be back. Keep letting us know how things are going in business for you.

My New Year resolution is to resurrect Shiloh Guy and put my daily reflections on scripture on the blog whether anyone stops by or not. If you have a sec...

donsands said...

Thanks for the encouragement Chris and Dave.

Baptist Girl said...

Hi Don,
My prayers are with you and your family, it's so comforting to know we have the Lord to draw strength from. It's hard in these times and all we can really do is trust in Him and ask Him what He is trying to teach us. Take good care Don,
In Christ,

donsands said...

Thank you so much Cristina.