Thursday, January 01, 2009

My First books for 2009: "Profiles of Courage" & "The Life and Diary of David Brainerd"

I received two very interesting books for Christmas to read. The first, "The Life and Diary of David Brainerd", I received from my friend and pastor, Dave Shive. And the "Profiles of Courage, by JFK, I received from my wife.

I also received an audio CD of "Here's Johnny!" by Ed McMahon. I've never listened to a book before; this shall be my first. And Ed McMahon, himself records the reading on the CD's.

Here's a quote from the "Life and Diary of David Brainerd", by Philip E. Howard, Jr.: "...I quarreled with the law of God, as unreasonably rigid. I thought if it extended only to my outward actions and behaviors I could bear with it; but I found it condemned me for my evil thoughts and sins of my heart, which I could not possibly prevent."

David struggled intensely with his being a condemned sinner before he finally came to trust Christ completely.

Here's another quote: "I was spending some time in prayer and self-examination, when the Lord by His grace so shined into my heart that I enjoyed full assurance of His favor, for that time; and my soul was unspeakably refreshed with divine and heavenly enjoyments. At this time especially, as well as some others, sundry passages of God's Word opened to my soul with divine clearness, power, and sweetness, so as to appear exceedingly precious, and with clear and certain evidence of its being the Word of God. I enjoyed considerable sweetness in religion all the winter following."

So far in David Brainerd's diary, this wonderful man of the Lord records himself experiencing darkness like I have never known, and knowing the presence of the Lord as i wish I could. It's a very good book so far, and I think it will be an encouragement to my soul to carry on in the faith. And so perhaps I'll be able to encourage others to keep on as well. And so be pleasing to our Lord, as we trust Him, and live by faith through his grace.

Happy New Year to all!

May we all prosper this year, as our souls prosper in the things of God, and as we "seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness". Amen.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Profiles of Courage. I read that a number of years ago...

Good writing...

Craver Vii said...

"With a Biographical Sketch of the Life and Work of Jonathan Edwards"

Sweet Bonus!!!

donsands said...

Thanks for the visit guys. Bless you both in 2009.