Saturday, February 07, 2009

"Unto another Gospel" -Galatians 1:6d

"No false teacher comes under the title of errors, neither does the devil come in his own likeness, especially that white devil we spoke of before. ...The devil will not be ugly, but he sets forth all his words with the color of truth, and with the name of God. ...he does it under a color of correcting and building up.

So he stirs up wicked spirits and ungodly teachers, which at first allow our doctrine to be holy and heavenly, and teach the same with a common consent together with us; but afterwards they say, that further mysteries of the Scriptures are revealed to them from above, and they are called for this purpose, to open them to the world.

In this manner the devil hinders the course of the Gospel, building and correcting, ... So we must pray without ceasing, read the Holy Scriptures, and cleave fast unto Christ, that we may overcome the devil's subtleties: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12)." -Martin Luther

Jesus warns us and tells us to take heed to our minds and hearts, for there are many who pervert the truth. A more serious thing in this world you will not find. It's the glory of Christ, and the salvation of the soul that is at stake.


Shiloh Guy said...

Dr. Luther,

Thank you. As usual, very well-said.

Dr. Sands,

Thanks for the great Luther quote. May God keep us alert and precise as we deal with his word and his people, so that no confusion might creep in. Our Enemy is so much wiser than we are! We need God's mind to see his truth.

donsands said...

Good prayer Dave. We need to have a portion of fear in our hearts, don't we, when we teach God's word. I would think we can surely be motivated by love for Christ, and be confident in His grace, but seems we should never lose our fear completely, or at least a strong reverence for God, and His word.

Always a blessing to have you stop by.